Here is a sneek peek at the charms I will be entering in the CU charm swap. They were almost impossible to photograph. My camera does not have the ability to photograph up close. These charms are about 1 inch or the size of a quater. They will go onto a charm bracelet so the size was limited. We have to package our charms as well so this is the card I created for my charms.

These two pictures are a close up of the card and then the charms. The third charm is a reject at this point. I could sign up for another seat in the swap and use this set as my filler. I have ordered more blanks. I will just have to see how much time I have. I have been surpised at how long this has taken so I just don't know! Love how they turned out. If you have questions about how I made anything you see feel free to leave a comment. I read them everyday. Since I haven't posted in a while I haven't gotten any comments.